Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nursing Home care in Qld fails basic standards

The Courier Mail today ran a story about the poor standards of some nursing homes in Queensland - I am sure the same could be said for nursing homes across Australia.  It is appalling.  I have been incensed that our governments spend so much money on education, and totally neglect the older members of our communities.    It has been something that I have been talking about for a long time - it is hard.  It is hard because one doesn't know that the conditions of your family member is mirrored elsewhere.

Someone suggested we move our mother.  What?  Despite what we see as her neglect, SHE is somewhat happy and doesn't want another move.  We have already moved her in a failed attempt to find better.  It was better - but that was in the early days.  Family members do fear speaking up lest their relative is badly treated as a result.  Staff often do their best - but there is often a lack of training, a lack of staff, a lack of good direction from their superiors and cutting costs at all levels.

Read the article here.

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